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Elmia Lastbil Jonköping Sweden and Automechanika Frankfurt are soon here

Summer is still ahead, but it’s good to put the Elmia Lastbil special fair for heavy equipment in Jonköping, Sweden and the Automechanika spare parts fair in Frankfurt, Germany on your calendar. Elmia is open 21-24 August 2024 and Automechanika 10-14 September 2024. FennoSteel has its own booth at both exhibitions and welcomes you warmly.…

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The largest exhibition of land construction and environmental maintenance machinery in Finland The exhibition is organised at Hyvinkää Airfield, where the machines have plenty space to be exhibited in a natural environment. The services for visitors together with restaurants and entertainment make your visit to Maxpo a pleasant and useful. Entrance to the exhibition area,…

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Dear readers, The hectic 2022 is soon changing to 2023. We want to thank all our customers, suppliers, partners and staff for very good work together! We will be open in Christmas time during weekdays. Have a great holiday season!

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